New context emerging

A number of weeks ago I hinted at some new plans in the making. As things have developed they are starting to look mighty interesting. It all started out with a few blokes kicking around a few ideas about future collaboration. This produced a number of potential new offerings to buyers of smart strategically oriented services such as leadership development, change processes and strategic development – all set in the context of a new world of work and organization. 

Then the idea of taking over my father's publishing company Bookhouse emerged into the process and made things very interesting. And to make a long story short we have arrived at the idea of creating a new type of platform for knowledge creation, production and distribution. Obviously there is a lot to be thought about around publishing and digitalization. But we also believe there has to be much more focus on the interactions and conversations between storytellers and readers/listeners/viewers. And if this is to happen Bookhouse as a publisher needs a clearer mission than producing specific content on paper. 

And yes, this new mission includes serving very good coffee in a very conversation friendly environment.

Anyway, crafting this new mission is part of what is going on now. And also negotiating terms with my father for the acquisition of the firm. If all goes well me and my partners will be in the publishing business at the turn of the year. Publishing from here on to be seen upon very broadly. More on that in a coming post.


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