Lars Vilks, Swedish conceptual artist, has drawn international fame the last weeks. It all has to do with three drawings. Read an English summary of the events on Wikipedia.
I once listened to Vilks lecture on his projects Arx and Nimis. The cool thing with this guy is that he doesn’t see the objects in themselves as the art. Instead the art lies in the human and societal behavior (not always pretty) that evolves around his objects. This meta-level of art is insanely interesting. But I doubt if people in general really are capable of consuming it at that level. It is easier to react at the object – and become part of the art – than seeing the art.
Swedes and Scandinavians can get the artist’s own view of the unfolding events at his blog (which sadly is in Swedish).
Another of Lars Vilks’ spectacular projects is the nation of Ladonia. The web site is in English.